Heidi’s Guide To Four Letter Words [Book Review]

Rating: 5 stars

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Format: Audible Escapes

So, I’m so pumped to have picked up this audible book from the popular section. I was pulled by the cover alone, and then the title definitely sealed the deal. Once I started it, I couldn’t help but fall in love with the story. I want more from this author and the narrator. Tara and Andie, please make all of the audio books because I desperately need them in my life.

Heidi has been laid off as kindergarten teacher, and she applies for a new job at E Media as an administrative assistant. She’s a good Midwest girl who loves her mom and a good hot dish. Specifically she’s from Minnesota so she’s got one of those Midwest accents you make fun of, but you know you have since you’re from the same region. Oofta. Heidi is just a sweet girl who loves Amish romances. Then she’s shocked to find out they record erotica novels at her new job, and she could never say any of those words because what would her mom say?! Heidi is handed some podcasting equipment to either keep or get rid of…

She’s recording the podcast so she can learn to be confident around her sexy neighbor, Brent. So after a box of wine, Heidis Discount Erotica Podcast is born.

This is just such a funny book literally meant for audio. It’s super Midwest, which I love since i am from Wisconsin. Seriously, this is the best audio book I’ve listened to. It’s funny, sweet, and unable to stop listening kind of book. You’ll want to tell your mom to call you later and turn up on the volume on this story, maybe while eating a potato hot dish.

Have you read this yet? You should definitely check it out. I listened to it during my Audible Escapes trial, and it was definitely worth it. Since I don’t have any amazon affiliate links, I’m not going to promote anything but if you love romance, the Audible Escape package is worth it. Especially if you’re an audio book fan. Let me know your thoughts below.

Until I rant about books again,

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