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hello! I’ve moved to self hosting so I have my one site now. Please follow me on there. You can subscribe in the corner and then keep up to date with my posts. I’ll also be having a newsletter coming soon (once a week only).

The Readathon Diaries [A Vampire Diaries Themed Readathon]

I have been in a weird place with my blog because I feel like sometimes I am not doing as well as some people, but I enjoy this so I am going to keep doing this. I found the most amazing Readathon as well for June, and I can’t wait for it. It is called The Readathon Diaries, and it is based off The Vampire Dairies. I needed to jump on that ASAP. If you are interested in joining this readathon, you can find the information here.

I decided to do Team Werewolf because I have a thing for Tyler, and I just thought it would be a lot of fun. Here are the hosts of this Readathon for my team:

And here are the prompts for my team:

I am still tentative on my TBR because I tend to change my mind a lot. But I know this is one I want to try and meet as many of the criteria as I can. I also do Reading Rivalry on Facebook, but that will be an entire other post because that is a whole thing awesome thing.

There is also the chance to become a hybrid if you read at least one other book from a different teams prompts. I am planning to do this as well. Though I am still deciding on whether or not I will be doing the prompts from the vampire or witch one… okay, I will probably be doing vampire so here are the prompts for that:

So, my TBR for this will probably be a weird amalgamation of books since I will probably do the prompts for both? I do read a lot, so it is not like it would not be easy for me to accomplish. This is my super long and weird TBR for the Readathon Dairies.


Lockwood- A Book Featuring Werewolves

New Moon by Stephenie Meyer [I have been wanting to read Twilight again so this readathon is the perfect excuse]

Full Moon- Read A Book While The Moon is Out

I am not quite sure about this one yet, I will have to look up when the moon will be out and then find a book to read. This will is still to be decided.

Lack Control- Randomize your TBR

This one means to just pick random books, which I do anyway. I think there is also an option on Goodreads to randomize so I can look through the books I have on there and see what’s going on.

Wolfsbane- Read a cry worthy book

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. I have been wanting to read this one again for a long time, and it made me super ugly cry the first time I read it so why not do that to myself again. Hahaha.

Wolf Pack- Read a book with a family dynamic/ found family dynamic-

Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer. Because you have the Cullens and the wolf pack Jacob is a part of, and this book will fit in perfectly with the prompt.

Mystic Falls- The Group Book, The Awakening by LJ Smith


Salvatore- Read a book featuring vampires

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer [Since I am rereading the series anyway…]

Daylight- Read a book when the sun is out

This is going to be just a random book because I read when my kiddo takes a nap, so this will just be a short book I pick out while he is napping so I am assuming it will be a graphic novel.

Damon- Read a book with a snarky character

Still need to figure this one out? I guess I can count Breaking Dawn because Jacob can be snarky.

Vervain- Read a book outside of your comfort zone

The Long Way to A Small Angry Plane by Becky Chambers- I am not a huge sci-fi person. This will be outside of my comfort zone because I tend to hate books about space a lot. But I got it from a book gift exchange a long time ago, and I am going to give it a try.

Sirelines- Read a book with a romantic relationship

I have so many romances on my kindle, it is not even funny. Guess I will just pick up one I really am feeling and read it. It could be any kind of romance. Or maybe it will be Take A Hint, Dani Brown because I have been dying for the book, but I was rejected. I think I am going to go preorder that one for my Kindle now….

And this is what my strange TBR looks like for the Readathon Diaries. I am truly so excited! Go Team Werewolf! I also cannot wait to become a hybrid either.

Do you have any readathons you are looking forward to in June? Maybe you can come join me on this one. I know it is going to be amazing. Tell me all about your reading plans for June. Or maybe leave me some suggestions for the prompts I am unsure of? They are very welcome.

The Billionaire Needs a Bodyguard [Ravina Hilliard- Book Review]


Alexandra “Lex” Granger is a private security consultant who has to go undercover to protect billionaire businessman Michael Thornton, pretending to be an escort. Michael does not think he needs a bodyguard, despite the death threats he has received from protesters against his takeover of a Danish company, but he does need protection against the predatory wife of the Danish ambassador. Lex knows that this assignment is dangerous, made more so because her client does not even know that he is being protected. 

She doesn’t know that he thinks she is a con-artist a gold-digger who takes rich men for everything that she can get. As sparks fly, and the attraction between the two go stronger, they face a deadly danger from an unknown assailant. Lex and Mike embark on a turbulent affair in the beautiful city of Copenhagen, with Mike realising that there is much more to the sexy seductress, her bewildering vulnerability evoking unfettered passion and feelings that he has never experienced before. Lex realises that she has committed the ultimate folly, that of falling in love with a man who despises her. Will she overcome the dangers to Michael to her breaking heart? 

Purchase it here.

Genre: Romance

Rating: 4 stars ⭐️

Usually I am able to get through romance quickly and once again, that is the case with this book. I had no idea what to expect when I started, but I could not get enough once I had begun reading this story. The reason was because the premise was so unique. I did not really read the description when I started. I just kind of went in blind and was shocked to find it was a woman who was going to be the bodyguard. At first, I was a little surprised by this. But in the best way possible, women should be the heroes in books as well. It was awesome to see the story was turned around a little bit, with the woman being the one who had to do the saving.

The book starts out a little slow for me. I did not really like how self deprecating Lex was to herself. She was just hating all of her body and how she looked. She did not see anything good in herself, and this annoyed me because I don’t think this should be in a romance novel. I think it could harm those who deal with body image issues, and it is hard to see in a book when it is so blatant and the only solution is when a man says you are good enough. Despite this, I did enjoy the romance. I was just not pleased with the casual negative body image Lex has, and she never really deals with it in a healthy way.

The romance in this book is interesting though. It is a build up of hate to love. But also a little bit more complicated because he thinks she is an escort and doesn’t know she is a bodyguard. Michael treats her terribly often, calling her a slut and whore because he thinks she’s an escort. And he also thinks she is a gold digger so he just looks down on her. Sex workers are already looked down upon, and I think just another casual attitude to the way people treat them is also harmful because sex workers are people too. I know I did have some problems with this book, but I did enjoy it. The build up is worth it. Michael takes her shopping and buys her nice clothes. He teases her with passionate kisses and the chemistry between them is off the charts. Truly some of the hottest steamy scenes I have read in a long time.

The suspense was awesome as well. I was able to read this in one day, and I enjoyed it. I love romantic suspense stories, and I would suggest this to all the fans of the genre. It just seems like some of the words were a little strange, but I think it is because this book was not in English originally. Just a little bit of editing would make this book go smoother for the reader.

This was such an awesome romance, and it is a good way to spend an afternoon because it was so much fun. I highly recommend this book, and I can’t wait to read more like this.

Thank you to the publisher for the review copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

The Tech [Mark Ravine-Book Review]


Special Agent Alexandra Cassidy has made a career of disobeying orders, challenging
bigwigs, and asking uncomfortable questions. But what offends her superiors most is that
her intolerable antics have earned her one of the best track records in the FBI.
It’s too bad, some cases are better left unsolved.

When Cassidy is transferred to the backwaters of Arizona she finds herself leading a crew
with so many black marks on their records, it’s a miracle any of them remain employed.
Thankfully, their first case pretty much solves itself. But as Cassidy and her team continue
throwing bad guys behind bars, a creeping sense of suspicion grows. The cases are easy, a
little too easy, and troubling patterns become impossible to ignore.
Then things take a violent turn, and an elusive figure steps forward to help. But in a
conspiracy big enough to topple kings, every player has an agenda—and misplaced trust will
have devastating consequences.

Genre: Thriller

Purchase the book here.

Rating: 4 Stars ⭐️

Alright, wow. This book was so intense, but I loved every moment of it. I have been a fan of shows about the FBI and other special agencies for a long time. I think I got this from my grandma, so I am just an old lady in my taste for shows. I think that is why I love CBS All Access so much. But this book, I have so many thoughts about. All of them are good, but let’s get started on my very long review about this book.

The Tech is a debut thriller, but I thought this was from a seasoned writer because it was done so well. You could not tell me this was new after I read it or I would not have believed you. I only know it was his first because i looked on Goodreads and was shocked to find he did not have any other books out. But also sad because I want more from this author asap.

Alexandra Cassidy is sent to Arizona to be the head of a group of the FBI rejects and get crimes solved. She has tech guy named Mike, and they start solving interconnected crimes so easily that it seems like there is something bigger going on because it never happens that easily normally.

This is not a dark thriller. Like, you are given clues about what is going to happen so you can see the story start to unfold. But I liked this just fine because then I was able to enjoy the story and not worry about having to wrack my brain to solve the deeper story. I’d love more thrillers to be lighter at times, but this is a good one to delve into if you want a light thriller that you will be able to enjoy for a long time.

I was a little unsure when I started the book because there was so much going on. Like there was a bank robbery and it just was laid out so perfectly. It just seemed like it was trying to say this was the perfect crime but obviously not since it was being solved so easily. I don’t know, I was concerned about first about this because I wanted it to be just a thriller I was shocked by. Not just everything laid out so easily I was going to get bored before the story really picked up. However, I am glad i stayed with the story because once it starts to pick up the pace, there was nothing stopping me from finishing this book late in the night.

My only issue with the book was like how fast it all seemed to happen. I know on tv shows it always gets solved so fast but that is TV so you should not just write a book like TV. I know sometimes cases from the FBI take sooo long to solve and all of these were being solved like no tomorrow. They are like handed the clues and no one thinks it is weird that is this seems to be happening so quickly. I would assume since they all have training, they would know that cases aren’t solved this quickly unless something weird is going on. Also, they are traveling a lot so you would think it would take longer unless they all have jet pack cars. It was just a little thing that made me irked, but I still kept reading the book because I needed to know what was going to happen next. It was worth it, but just be aware of this when you are reading the book.

The characters are all okay, but it just seemed like I could not connect to them. Mike is just like the tech guy and he thinks everyone is stupid except him when it comes to technology. Alexandra is also like I am going to be this strong woman, but she doesn’t seem to know how to work with her team unless she is judging them for what they had done in the past. I don’t think taking about how this was a team of rejects that came to be these heroes was needed. I know it was makes you connect to them, but all of the characters were a little surface level and I wished I could have connected to them just a bit more.

The thing between Alexandra and Mike was a little odd, but I cant wait to see where it goes. I know this is going to be a longer series since you don’t find out who they bad guys are. But I don’t mind. I cant wait for more from this author.

Thank you to the publisher, Dawn Hill Publishing, for providing me with a review copy in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

A Whole New Me [Blog Tour]

Hi, friends! I am so excited to bring you an excerpt from a new book I am so excited about. It is written by a great person, and I have had my preorder in since the announcement. I’m going to be sharing an excerpt from the book along with information about the book, I hope you will order it and love it as much as I know I will.

Here is the excerpt from this awesome book:

The drive doesn’t even take ten minutes and we chat a bit on the way. He talks my ear off about football and I respond where it seems appropriate, because for the most part I have no idea what he’s talking about. I can’t wait to tell him I don’t really like football. That’ll be a fun conversation.

When we arrive back at his place, my nerves come back just a little bit. I don’t really want to run into anyone, like I said I’m not great at meeting new people. And this situation is kind of odd. I don’t want to have to answer any questions.

“So we should have the place to ourselves. Most of the guys are out getting a drink, rough practice today.” Instead of going to the front door, he leads me to the side of the house to another door. “My room kind of has its own entrance.” He takes out his keys and unlocks the door, going through first to show me the way. There’s a staircase going up another level and another door off to the side that I’m guessing leads to the main house.

I follow him up the stairs to another door and this time he pauses. He stands facing the door for a second before turning and regarding me with a searching look on his face.

“What,” I ask, suddenly nervous again. Though this is the butterflies in the stomach kind of nervous. Because his eyes have darkened and he looks a little bit desperate.

“Tessa, are you sure you want to do this?”

“Yes, I am. Why? Did you change your mind, because if you did I totally understand. I mean I know this whole thing is kind of crazy and I’m sure I seem crazy for even suggesting it. An-“

I’m suddenly cut off mid sentence by his lips against mine. I respond instantly, pressing my lips against his while his hand cups the back of my head. After a few seconds, he pulls away slightly and whispers, “I want to do this, I really do.” He grabs my lips with his again pushing me up against the door

About this wonderful book:


Tessa has something to prove and she wants to use Ricky to do it.

She’s not surprised when he agrees to her friends with benefits plan, but she is surprised when it seems like Ricky wants more than she’s willing to give. 

Can she keep Ricky without giving him hope for something more?

Because Tessa won’t let this be love.

Books Links



About the author:

Adrianna is a 27 year old wife, mommy, book lover, and librarian. She has a deep love for romance books and an unhealthy obsession with iced tea. She can quote almost any Disney movie, she’s in love with Kylo Ren, and she lives for Harry Potter. When she’s not reading or writing, she loves spending time at home with her son, husband, 5 cats, and one tiny dog.




Goodreads: https://romancebookbin

Thank you so much for letting me be a part of this blog tour. I cant wait to get my hands on this book!

44 Chapters about 4 Men [BB Easton- Book Review]

Rating: 4 Stars

Genre: Memoir

Publisher: Forever Publishing

I had no idea what to expect when I picked up this book. I chose it for the title alone, and then I was even more intrigued when I saw it was going to made into a Netflix series.I knew I was going to dive into this book uninhibited, but I had no idea I was going to stay up until 3 AM reading this book because I became so invested. This is probably one of the best memoirs I have ever read, which is strange because it is the opposite of the majority of the ones I read.

There is just something so addictive about a memoir where someone shares their sexual history and gives a glimpse into what their life is like. It is like a voyeuristic thrill I could not get enough of.

BB Easton has lived an interesting life. This memoir is a collection of her journal reminiscing about her boyfriends before she met and married her husband. I did not expect for the memoir to be so detailed, but she does not hold anything back. It also turns out she wrote fiction about each one of her ex boyfriends, and I was like, wow those are books I will be picking up sometime soon to compare with what I read in this book.

BB Easton talks about her 4 partners in life. 3 ex boyfriends and her husband. She writes the truth about her past, but she also embellishes because she wants her husband to be more attentive with her in certain ways.

Knight was her first boyfriend, and it became this very intense relationship. She holds nothing back as she talks about the sex they had, but she also touches on how tumultuous the relationship was. Knight was the scary first boyfriend who doesn’t know how to let go,, but when her husband reads her journal, it helps improve their sex life. I was a little bothered by her husband invading her privacy, but it seemed to make their life better so I think all things work differently for each person.

The other two boyfriends were Harley and Hans. Harley had gross teeth and weird tattoos. Hans was a musician. She also talks about sex with them, but I was not super interested in these stories.

Talking about her husband and modern life was what appealed most to me regarding this book. BB works as a school psychologist, her husband is an accountant, and they have two kids. I loved the domestic aspect of her life because she is honest in all things. She talks about her relationship not being perfect. But she loves her husband. She talks about how hard it is to have kids, but how they are amazing as well. Yes, this is a story about how she wants to make her husband different to make herself happy. But their relationship grows, and it is apparent they love each other deeply. Despite all of the TMI aspects of this book, I would definitely recommend it.

This book is funny, interesting, and insightful. It reminded me of being young and made me thankful for the person I became. I look forward to the series on Netflix to make a full comparison.

Thank you NetGalley and Forever Publishing for this review copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Queenie [Candice Carty-Williams – Book Review]

Title: Queenie

Author: Candice Carty-Williams

Genre: Fictional Biographical/Coming of Age

Publisher: Orion Publishing

Rating: 4 stars

When I started this book, I thought it was going to be an easy read. Just like a simple story about a woman living in London. I guess this book was supposed to be like modern version of Bridget Jones, but I have not read those so I can’t actually say. This book suddenly turns into a darker kind of book really quick. This book is dark and intense, it is about Queenie who is trying to find her place in the world after losing her boyfriend and being unsure of who she is as a black woman in the world.

This starts out with her breakup with Tom, her longtime boyfriend she thought was going to be the man she married and spent her life with. She thinks their break will just reunite them, so she pushes down a lot of her emotions and jumps into random relationships with men to avoid feeling anything at all.

She starts having sex with random men and not caring about her feelings. She comes to see that her job and having a relationship with Tom wasn’t making her as fulfilled as she thought. With the loss of Tom, she just jumps into the wrong end of her emotions and sleeps with various men to try and quell the pain she doesn’t want to face.

She then ends up losing one of her best friends because of a situation which is not her fault. It was more like just choosing the wrong man to sleep with. She then ends up getting rejected by her past flames and is put on leave from her job because of one of the men she slept with. This is when she realizes she needs to reevaluate her life and make some better choices to avoid hurting herself again and again.

As a child, she felt ignored and unloved and this is why she feels like she is not worthy of love or having a good life. Hitting the bottom for her helps because she seeks help and learns how to forge a better life for herself. She learns she is worthy of love, she learns to connect again with her mother, and she plans to move on from her past to make better choices for her future.

This book contains so many layers. Queenie learns about her own worth, what she wants from life, self respect, and the importance of family and good friends.

This book is beautiful, and I loved every moment. I learned more about the experience of a black woman, which I thought was very insightful. I could also relate to all of her bad choices about men because I have been there, and it is hard but sometimes good to see yourself in a book. I remember going through a similar journey, and I am grateful to have come from the other side safely.

This was a solid debut novel, and I look forward to reading more from this author.

Sex and Sexuality in Victorian Britain [Violet Fenn- Book Review]

Title: Sex and Sexuality in Victorian Britain

Author: Violet Fenn

Genre: Historical Nonfiction

Publisher: Pen & Sword

Publishing date: March 30, 2020

Rating: Two stars

I chose this book because I expected an interesting history lesson on a topic I wanted to learn more about. I mean, the cover is cool. The rest of the book was less than stellar to me.

There should be a warning for all of these topics included since they are just thrust upon the reader, and I know they can be hard for some people to handle: rape, child murder, child prostitution, postpartum depression and psychosis, sexual abuse, child harm, suicide, death, violence.

Violet Fenn provides a very chill introduction, saying she wanted to research about the topic of sexuality in this time period because it seems to be one we don’t talk about a lot. She doesn’t have footnotes at all, so I don’t know where some of this info comes from. She does say though that she uses internet searches a lot so you could probably just google this topic, and you would have the gist of her book.

I thought this was going to be all about sexuality and sex in Victorian Britain, but there was a chapter about what they wore. Yes, they would have been useful had it related to how they used it for sex. But it was juts like these people wear these clothes and sometimes they caught fire… omg skirts that were shorter and all of this stuff about clothes that I am not sure why it was included when it never hinted toward how it related to sexuality in the book. I was expecting like women wore the underwear with no crotch for easy sex or something. But nope. It was just like she started writing it, and she did not finish what she was trying to do in order to make her topics relate to each other.

Also, the way consent was talked about was terrible. Yeah, the age was raised to 13, but there was no discussion about the harms of this or how it was wrong. I just felt like she was like look at my sexy book. The age of consent was young, oh well. There could have been more about this topic and how it related to children being sex workers and the damage. Because when talking about sex in the time period, we should also be talking about how it can be harmful. Plus, it was creepy how she talked about the women forced to be tortured by doctors testing out dildos. It was not a fun sexy thing at all. She just made it seem like some kinky thing, and it wasn’t. This really bothered me.

I don’t know what to say about this book. It could have been good, but it was just like a poorly done research paper. If you want to know more about these topics, I am sure you can do your own google search or find better books. I thought this was going to be one of my favorite history books, but I was highly disappointed.

Thank you NetGalley and Pen and Sword for the review copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

The Happy Ever After Playlist [Abby Jimenez- Audiobook Review]

I am a huge romance reader when the mood strikes me, and I was really excited this book was one the April choices for Usually I have been more into thrillers and fantasy lately, but this book was just what I needed during all the chaos we have going on in the world at this moment.

Also, I bet you are wondering why I am reading romance when I seemed to have binged so much of it last year. You would think I would have stayed on the streak and become one of those only reads romance people, which is what I thought was going to happen. But I did not become that person. Which is totally fine. This was a new to me author, and I adore getting to try out new romance authors because you just never know what you are going to come across.

Enter in Sloan and Jason. She is still dealing with the loss of her husband in a motorcycle accident so her life has become stagnant because her grief runs so deeply. But then a dog named Tucker shows up, and then his owner Jason and that is when the story really starts to get going.

This book is really sweet. The audiobook is great, I could not get enough of the couple and their story. I like this is one of those where a dog brings them together, and the dog is still an important part of the story. Because dogs are great. Sloan finds Tucker when he hops in through her sun roof and she is suddenly taking care of him. She tries reaching Jason for weeks, thinking he doesn’t care. But it turns out he was in Australia working on a soundtrack for a movie so he was not able to be contacted during the time. Sloan is hesitant to give the dog back until she realizes Jason does love him, and so she is suddenly taking care of a dog and possibly going on a date with his owner as well. Gone are the days of her never leaving her home and being totally sad perhaps…

Sloan and Jason spend two weeks talking and texting on the phone before they meet. When they are together, it is suddenly like they are meant to be together. Just like that.

Okay, I am not a fan of insta love so this was a little annoying for me. They are both just so into each other that it is like a lot at one time. Sloan is shocked to find out Jason is actually a famous singer who is going to be going on a major tour soon, and she wants to possibly go along even though they have not been dating for long. I mean, it is sweet but it is also kind of like fan fiction when you meet your favorite celebrity and then you are touring with the band and living the life you always dreamed of.

There are parts where it gets hard though. Sloan gets her car messed up and Jason has an unstable ex who keeps showing up at the most inappropriate times. Sloan wants to do anything she can to be with Jason, even not painting and hurting her health by being out on tour with him. Not to mention the studio wants more music and albums from Jason so it looks like they would not have any type of stability for at least a decade to even think about having children and a home.

The small bits of the drama at the end were a little over the top and I could have done without those in all honesty. They did not really add a whole lot, I just ended up being annoyed.

There is also a playlist through the whole book, but I was not someone who listens to a lot of the artists so I can’t say how well it fits. I am assuming it just does though. I am more of a country fan…

This book gets a solid four stars from me. I loved this audiobook and the ending as well. This was a sweet romance, and I think it would be enjoyed by those who loves romance and fans of music as well.

Thank you so much for this ALC April copy of the book, and thank you as well to Hachette audio. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

If you are interested in, be sure to check them out. All proceeds from them go to supporting indie bookstores, which is so important considering what’s going on with the world right now.

What Lies Between Us [John Marrs- Book Review]

4 stars ⭐️

I still cannot wrap my mind around what I just read. Like, I am in shock and it has been a few days since I finished up this book. I just cant fathom still this dark and twisted book. Like, wow it was so good and now I am still trying to figure out what the hell just happened.

I do not recall the last time I was so chilled to the bone by a book. There are so many twists and turns. It is just so shocking. Even the ending has left me wondering how I will be able to pick up another a book after this. I am just so awed by the story. And I don’t know if I will ever fully recover from what has been done got me. This is the first time I have read John Marrs, and I know after this it will not be my last by any means at all. Like oh my goodness.

I could not stop reading this once I started, and it was a story I picked up after my child went to bed so it was very dark and scary. This was a book I thought would give me nightmares for days, but I am still too scared to even think about sleeping any time soon!

This story scared me. And I am not scared easily. I don’t mind the dark or horror movies. I have shrugged at crime scene photos. Nothing normally gets to me, but this book has scared the living daylights out of me for goodness only knows how long. When I got to the end of this book, I was so scared and shocked that my jaw could not close. I just was stuck that way for a long time and I think my cat thought there was something wrong with me because I did not move for a long time after. There was so much terror that even my cat was scared and hid under the bed for a long time. The book is that impactful.

But let us avoid the spoilers so you can have the pleasure to read this for yourself…. it deals with borderline personality disorder…which I’m pretty sure there is a different term, but I am not sure. Maggie lives up in an attack, chained to the wall to atone for all of the sins she has committed against her daughter. And her daughter Nina, who is librarian by day, is her keeper and the ultimate decider of what will happen to her mother who has done so many bad, bad things….

The twists and turns will leave you breathless and shocked. There are also so many questions you want answers, and the answers will coming with shock and surprise the whole time. Some of these questions are: how/why they built this sick relationship? Why Nina’s father leave without saying goodbye? Why Nina is so fragile around little children? Is Maggie innocent victim or pure evil needs to be behind the bars? Can she escape and save herself from captivity?

John Marrs just keeps it coming with the shocks and the scary parts of the book you will be in awe the whole time it is happening.

Thank you NetGalley and Amazon Publishling UK for the review copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own.