Tag Archives: Random

How I Find Time To Read

I’m a full time stay at home parent to a 9 month old. I’m busy, just like all parents. I have stayed at home since before the baby was born, I don’t know what it’s like to work and have a kiddo. I just know what I’m used to. Plus, I understand not everyone has the same schedules regarding what they do and how their kids behave. Just a disclaimer this is what works for me. I’ve read almost 20 books this year so far, hence I just thought I’d share what I do.

  • I just read really fast

There’s not really any magic to this, and I’m not sure how to give tips on reading quicker. I’ve seen random things online, but I’ve just been a quick reader my whole life. I consume manga super quick, I listen to audio books on 2-3x depending, and I just read books speedily. It’s useful, but I can’t really share on how to do this when I’m not even sure how I learned, I did learn to read when I was 3.5 so maybe that’s why.

  • I read multiple books at once

I usually have an audio book, an e book, and a few physical books going on. I do different genres so there’s no overlap. Having multiple books seems to assist me in getting done faster.

  • I started listening to more audio books

I started using Libby and Hoopla for audio books. The selections are awesome. I have used Audible Escapes and Scribd, but I don’t listen to enough audio books to justify even paying for a single service. The library apps are free, and I can support the library which is one of my favorite things to do. I know some people use them on their commutes, doing chores, and exercising. I listen on 2-3x depending on the book because otherwise it goes too slow for me.

  • I read when the baby is in bed

This isn’t rocket science. When he’s napping or asleep for the night, I read. Sometimes it’s an audio book while my partner plays a game or watches his shows on Hulu. I try to take advantage of this uninterrupted time to read because it’s relaxing, and I know the baby is asleep so there’s no worries for the time being.

  • I read while the baby plays

My 9 month old is pretty chill. Unless he’s hungry or needs to be changed, he does his own thing. He plays on the floor with toys and watches his videos all day. I know screen time is supposed to be like the worst for babies, but he seems to love having the music on so I just leave it. He’s not like a television zombie so I’m not worried, but like… we all parent our own way.

  • I read in bed when I have insomnia

This is when ebooks come in handy. I have NetGalley books, random free books, or I use library apps. I spend a lot of time reading in bed, using my phone. I plan to get a kindle to make it better on my eyes. I, thinking a paper white or oasis. I haven’t decided yet.

And these are all the ways I read the books I do. This year at the time I’m writing this, I have read 20 books. I must be doing something right!

What are your tips to be more productive with your reading time? I love new tips and how to read even more, please share with me.

Thanks for 55 followers!

I know this doesn’t seem like much to a lot of people, but I’m so grateful to have 55 followers. You are all amazing people, and I’m glad to be making more bookish friends. Thanks so much. ❤️

Pretend the two 5s are next to each other…. I just really love Sesame Street. My six month old watches one episode a day, and I just… love it so much. Seriously though. Thank you for 55 followers. It means a lot.

Liebster Award [Tag Post]

Here’s a photo of my six month old being cute first:

This is the second time I was tagged for something, but the first I have been nominated. I feel so loved and all that Jazz. Thank you so much Leelyn @ Sometimes Leelyn Reads. (I love your blog so much, by the way. I’d love to be friends )

Here are the rules:

  1. Acknowledge the blog that gave it to you and display the award
  2. Answer 11 questions that the blogger gives you
  3. Give 11 random facts about yourself
  4. Nominate 11 blogs and notify them of their nomination
  5. Give these blogs 11 questions to answer

The questions I was given are:

  • What is your least favorite genre and why?

My least favorite genre is science fiction. I just don’t enjoy science so it just gets to be really boring to me. Yes, I was bad at science in high school. No big shocker there. I just really dislike science fiction and space books. Just the thought of them makes me drowsy.

  • If you could switch places with any character (book, TV show, or movie) for a day, who would you switch with and what would you do?

I would switch places with Beverly from The Goldbergs. I would just spend all day wearing her amazing 80s clothes and loving her voluminous hair. Truly, I’d be living the dream to have her wardrobe. I serious belong in the 80s.

  • Which character has an outfit that you’d love to wear?

I want to wear those shoes Inez has in SoC. I know she has acrobatic skills which allow her to scale walls, but I’m going to pretend the shoes are the reason and if I had them, I could do the same thing.

  • What song would you pick as your theme song?

Good question… I am not really an awesome bad ass or anything. I’m just a stay at home parent. If I had to choose one, I would go with Man, I Feel Like A Woman by Shania Twain because that song can motivate me to do anything and succeed.

  • Should books come with a soundtrack or a playlist while reading it? Why or why not?

I am not a fan of listening while reading unless it’s a chapter break because I would be distracted. I don’t think I’ve ever actually listened to any soundtrack or playlist an author lists in their books.

  • Do you like to create playlists for the books you read?

Nope. Lately all the songs in my head are from Seasame Street because of Ever.

  • How do you feel about dream casts?

Sometimes they are better than the actual casting choices…

  • If you could adapt any book into a TV show or movie, which one would it be, what format, and who would be the main cast?

I want a super accurate adaption of After by Anna Todd. I would want Harry Styles to be Hardin. I don’t know about the rest, but this would be my dream.

  • Do you read the book or watch the TV show/movie first?

It depends which one I hear about first.

  • If you could pick someone to write and perform a song inspired by you, who would you pick?

Charlie Puth. I love that man so much.

  • What is your favorite music video to watch as of right now?

My favorite music video ever is Dangerously by Charlie Puth and I also love Roll Up by Wiz Khalifa.

I tag these 11 people

  1. Kitty
  2. Holly
  3. Nen and Jen
  4. Chelsie
  5. Nish and Ngoc
  6. Haf
  7. Amanda
  8. Emer
  9. Charlotte
  10. Kayla
  11. Becca

The 11 questions I’ve chosen are

Would you say you’re more of an extrovert or an introvert?

What’s your favorite ice cream topping?

What was the last show you binge-watched?

Are you into podcasts or do you only listen to music?

What’s your Death Row Meal?

Do you like going to the movies or prefer watching at home?

What’s your favorite sleeping position?

What’s your go-to guilty pleasure?

In the summer, would you rather sleep with the window open or blast the AC? What’s your fav quote from tv/movie/book?

How old were you when you had your first celebrity crush, and who was it?

What’s one thing that can instantly make your day better?

This was so awesome. I can’t wait to see answers from those nominated, I know it’s going to be a lot of fun.

Until I rant about books again,